
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Vacay Number 1 and Math Training

Hello Bloggies!

Summer is on here in Greenville, and I am loving it!  Pool, vacationing with the hubs, and reading are my top three priorities of the summer!  Most recently, I visited DC with my husband and two of our good friends.  For a history geek like myself, this was so much fun!  We crammed in a super quick 3 days visit, and here are a few pics from the trip!

Mike and I in front of the Capital Building<3
Mike and our friend/sometimes roommate Shane enjoying a local pub

Ice Cream Stands!!  They soooo should have these further South!!

Us with Honest Abe!

My friend Danielle and I outside Fogo de Chau-A Brazilian Steakhouse
So, besides the excitement of the DC trip, I have been in math world.  I have signed myself up for an intense summer math workshop (what was I thinking???) and am currently in the middle of that. The workshop, while long, is very informative, and is really getting my wheels turning about my structure for my math block next year.  What are some things that you have incorporated into your classroom math blocks that you have found to be effective??  I will be reading up at Barnes and Noble for new ideas and inspiration, but I would love to hear about your successful math experiences!!