
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I Love Teaching in the Fall!

Well bloggies, I feel like I have not been able to blog in forever, and I have to say that it is because:


We are finally getting glimpses of cooler weather, and fun lessons about Halloween and crunching leaves are here!!

In honor of one of my favorite seasons to teach, I am throwing a SALE on my Halloween Unit.  From now until Sunday, the Halloween writing unit is 10% off, making it only $3.15!  Hooray!  You can access my unit HERE.

Here are a few things that we have been up to this Fall:

FIELD TRIP!!  Oh boy!  Every teacher's dream day!  Just kidding-but I really did have a lot of fun taking my kids to the Imagination Station.   Here are a few shots of us at the station and eating lunch at Toisnot Park!

We also did a little "Shaving Cream Spelling".  Don't freak out when I say this but.....I have never done this before!  It was super fun and the kids were hilarious with their shaving cream hands!

Lastly-I would love to share some of my personal photos-Ha!  My husband and I went to the Bahamas last weekend...Holla!!  It was such a blast! Here I am on embarking day:

That's all for now!  Happy Fall Everyone!