
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Don't get Crabby!! 5 more days of school!!

Hello bloggers!

I don't know how far along you are in the year, but we are down to 5 sweet little days!!  Now, I love my job but holy wow am I excited for summer!!

These last two week can get really tricky to plan.  EOG testing is over, but now we have to remediate the students who did not pass the test, continue teaching the students who did, and retest the students who didn't.  It can be overwhelming planning for kids that you do not normally teach.  I am the teacher from our grade level who has been working with the students who passed their EOG reading test.  I can honestly say that I have loved working with this group! 

I decided to go with an "oceans" theme, with summer being right around the corner, and figured I would share what we have been up to!

After learning about fish in different zones of the ocean, we made a "can, have, are" poster.

I decided to read "The Magic School Bus On the Ocean Floor".  They love the characters in this book, and they really enjoyed the fun facts throughout!

We learned about tide pools and animals that live in them, and made some crabs!  Paints and handprints!

So anyway, the reason behind the title of my post:  It can be tough not to turn into a crab at the end of the year.  But, if I can stay positive and make the last few days as fun as possible, I think the kids will in turn make it a little easier on me:)

Just keep swimming!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Testing Motivation

Hi everyone!

Well.....the week is here.  The culmination of everything that I do has been crammed into one long test, and it is here.  I am sure you can all sense how truly "excited" I am that testing is going on out in rural land where I teach.  Unfortunately, one of the "perks" of working with third graders is the dreaded EOG.  My kids have been working SO hard on their tests, and I am very proud of them!

Now that I have had some time on the soapbox, I wanted to share a few motivational things that I did for my kids each morning before their test.  I wish that I could say that I came up with these ideas all on my own and made the printables all on my own, but I totally didn't :)  To see the real creative genious behind these cutsie ideas, follow the links!


Please envision the airhead that was taped to the letter before the kids gobbled it up:)  They were so surprised and excited to see their treat!  I got the idea from Adventures of Ms. Smith.  She has a SUPER cute blog!!


The boys especially enjoyed this one!  I honestly found this printable one time online and now I cannot find it again!  NOOOO!!  If anyone sees or knows where this came from I would love to give them credit!


Glow bracelets with cutie pie notes from Fun in First.  I like this one because it is not candy;)

To all testing teachers-I hope you are having a stress free experience!  Ciao for now!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Holy long time no blog!!!

Hello blog world!!  I feel like I have not had a single second to get online and get blogging since idkkkkk January?  (January 9th to be exact:))

The main reason for this is my stress load at school.  This is only my 3rd year teaching, so I only have two other groups of students to compare them too, but this group of kids is demanding a lot of my time.  I have definitely had to learn a lot about differentiated instruction this year, that is for sure!  Not to mention all those little 3 letter acronyms that consume most of my time at home.  IEP, PEP, EOG, get the drift.  Anddd to top it all of NC is going over to the common core, which is a good thing, but is something that I am going to have to learn about.

The second reason for my leave of absence has been that my BESTIE was getting married!!!  And, being the matron of honor, I had a LOT of matronly duties to attend to:)

Me (left) and Grayson back in 3rd grade!!

But, I am back now, and have really missed catching up on all of the inspirational things that you all have to say!!  Blogging is definitely an outlet for me to find out what other teachers are doing and going through, and I can't wait to get caught back up!

Here are a few highlights from my few months while I was out of the loop!!

Valentine Candy Heart Graphing

Our class was donated a set of chapter books (Loser by Jerry Spinelli)  from Donor's Choose!!

I've been wondering:

**How did changing to the common core make teaching different for you?

**How do you find it easiest to differentiate instruction??