
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Fresh Beginnings

Happy Tuesday!  I told all of you yesterday that I am making some pretty significant life changes, and in keeping with that, I have decided to start a new blog, called Life in my Sneakers.  It will follow more of my personal life changes and accomplishments since I won't actually be in the classroom anymore.  **tears**  Please follow me by using the link below to check out what's going on "in my sneakers"!

Life in my Sneakers

Monday, July 22, 2013

Changes are coming!

Hello blog world!

It has literally been 7 months since I posted anything...slacker much?  Things were just really busy and crazy with school, and I needed to prioritize my time.  Unfortunately, that meant blogging took a backseat.  When I logged on today, it felt good to find out my followers have almost doubled during my absence!  Wow-Thanks to all of you for your support!

Part of the reason that I have been absent is that I have been in the process of making some life changes-one being that I am leaving the classroom.  I decided to pursue a degree in administration, and I will be going back to school for the next 2 years with the North Carolina Principal Fellows Program.  This has been a REALLY exciting change for me, but I also find myself sad at the thought that I won't have "my kids" anymore.  It's kind of like that bittersweet feeling that you get on the last day of school, but a lot worse!  I LOVE teaching, and I will miss it TERRIBLY.  But, I think that a degree in school administration is the best decision for my family in the long run, so that is the path I will take.  Hopefully, I can work in an elementary school, so that I won't be too far removed from sweet kiddos.  I also get time with little ones at church on Sundays, and that helps!

There have been a few other changes and events in my life too-Here are the last 7 months in a flash!
My litte bro graduated from college!  Arrgh!  So proud of him!

One of my besties and I ran the Flying Pirate Half Marathon in Kitty Hawk, NC.  I beat my PR by 30 minutes, and lost 15 pounds while training!

My husband and I revisited our honeymoon destination in Gatlinburg TN, and did some hiking-Both of these are photos from one of the hikes that we did.

I am actually standing at the edge of a cliff in this photo, but it is so hard to tell because of the giant CLOUD that blew in when we reached the jump off!

My mom retired from a lifetime career in education!  Talk about inspiration!

So, with all of the changes that will be going on in my life, I do intend to continue to post about the goings on that happen, but I will no longer be a third grade teacher, so the content may change a bit.  Thank you so much for all of your support over the past couple of years.  Get out there and enjoy some of that summer sun!