
Friday, March 25, 2011

Charlotte's Web Day!!

This spring, the 3rd graders read Charlotte's Web.  Our class created dioramas at the completion of our Charlotte's web unit.  Below are pictures of several exemplary dioramas.

Parents were invited to watch their child present their diorama to the class, and even our principal and assistant principal were able to attend!  The kids did a great job talking about their project, and they were so proud of their hard work!

Once we finished presenting projects, we were able to watch the Charlotte's web movie and have some "fair food" (popcorn and donuts).  The kids love comparing the movie with what they spent so much time reading!

After the movie, we had an auction for our own class Wilbur.  I bought the pig stuffed animal at Toy's R' Us and put him up for auction.  The kids used their classroom money that they earned for good behavior to make a bid at the pig.  The winner took him for $34!! 


  1. Hey girl! This is too cute! I love the Charlotte's Web activities! That was one of my favorites growing up...used to read it to my first graders. Hope life is wonderful! :o)

  2. Thanks girl!! They were soooo excited about their dioramas! Hope your year is fabulous!!

  3. Thanks for the help! I used this in a lesson plan for my education classes.

  4. I loved being a student at Glebe School! Even though it was 45 years ago I still try to make my Economics classes as interesting for my students as my 3rd grade days were!
