
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Science in Action!! (and a baby shower!!)

Hooray for making it through the first couple of weeks of school!  These poor kids have had a rocky start with the hurricane coming through!  Today, we did our first science experiment of the year.  The kids were examining light by shining flashlights on the floor, ceiling, and mirrors.  They learned that light is either reflected or absorbed.  Fun, huh?!  They loved it, and a few of them came up with the word "reflection" before I even got around to it!  Here are a few pics of us in action:

Also, as a non-school related side note, we had a baby shower today at school!  Hooray!  I love showers!  So, I decided to get a little crafty in coming up with the gift.  This candy themed basket is loaded with burp cloths, washcloths, mittens, socks, and a gift card:)

Here is the view of the whole sweet treat basket:)

Cupcakes and Candy!

I added this note so that she would know what she had!

It was such a blast to make this!!  I have to give a shout out to the blog where I got the idea:  Cute as a Fox Creations!  I mean, WOW!!  The ideas on the blog are amazing, and totally step by step!!  Happy Rest of the week everyone!!

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