
Monday, September 12, 2011

Thank you Donors Choose!!

Thanks to Donors Choose, our class has received a brand new set of listening center books!!  Hooray!!  I am so excited about this, and so are my kids!!  If you don't know about Donor's Choose, please go check out their website.  It is a fabulous resource for teachers, and has helped me so much in my classroom already!  Here are some pictures of my kids with their new books:

Some of the kids with one of the new book sets:)

All of the students are holding one of the 8 new book sets from our Donors!

And again.....just can't get enough of these sweet faces!!

We wrote friendly letters to thank our generous donators!
Also, right now, Sonic is holding it's annual Limeades for Learning competition.  I am sure most of you already know, but in case you didn't.....Sonic will fund the projects that receive the most votes on the Limeades for Learning website.  Please take a second to check it out and vote!  My project is aimed at getting a NOOK color for my classroom:)  Here is the link to my project:

Mrs. Newman's "Bringing Words to Life with a NOOK Color" Project

If that link doesn't take you there, type in "Bringing Words to Life with a NOOK Color", and my project will appear.  It is TOTALLY FREE to vote!!  And hey, even if you aren't hyped about my project, vote for someone's!!  It is a great cause and all votes are appreciated!!

Happy Monday All!

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